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DIY Unique Easter Egg Decor


Updated: Jul 17, 2022

I'm back ya'll! And it's just in time for Easter! I wanted to share with you all a quick Easter decor DIY that I completed for my tablescape in my dining and sunroom this year. This project of course is affordable and is custom to your style and color palette.

If you know me you know I love all holidays and if I can decorate for it, even better. What I have learned is I don't always like the color schemes that are presented as the norm for some holidays. For Christmas, you see red, green, and white with touches of silver or gold and you know it's Christmas decor. Well, Easter is filled with pastels everywhere. I'm not a pink kind of girl as is. With all the pastel yellows, blues, greens and the likes, it's blah. Those colors don't necessarily go with my daily decor and color scheme to be completely honest. I mean my kitchen island is emerald green. So I decided to get some paint out and get to it.

Before I get into the quick steps on making these eggs, I thought I'd share with you the reason behind them for Easter. After a discussion with my husband on the tie between "commercialized Easter eggs" and the true meaning, I don't think everyone is taught the same. Eggs have been symbolized as a way to show fertility. Historians have stated that the egg symbolizes new life with the Resurrection of Christ. The shell is referred to as the tomb that Christ arose in. An empty egg = an empty tomb! When did painting/decorating came into play? In Orthodox tradition it is said that they painted the eggs red in reference to the blood Christ shed on the cross. Over time we have changed the way we decorate with the generations.

The list of items needed is very small: Craft Eggs, Wooden Skewers (I already had plenty), Acrylic Paint in both metallic and flat finish, and paint brushes.

I purchased these crafting eggs from Target a year or two ago in the Bullseye Section. I tried to find them this year, but couldn't. I did find some similar on Amazon. They came in white and black. They also had chalk paint pens with the pack. When I purchased the eggs they were after Easter, so I didn't pay the $3 that they were originally. Try finding the craft eggs because they have a small hole in the bottom of them. They make it easier because the hole allowed a dowel and/or skewer to hold them up.

Okay are you ready for the instructions?

Paint each egg and allow them to dry before handling them. I used the skewers and a foam piece I had laying around to let them dry without touching anything else. Guess what? THAT'S IT! Acrylic paint dries very fast and won't take long for you handle.

Here's a time lapse of me making a few of them below.

Hope you all enjoy this quick and simple DIY to add a personal touch to your Easter decor!

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