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It’s Our Anniversary


So guess what? It’s our anniversary! By the time you guys read this, I will be in the car riding with my husband on the highway to Atlanta! Now this isn’t the place that I would’ve chosen for our anniversary. Isn’t that right babe? (Insert a very flat, yes babe here) But because I’m such a great wife I allowed this happen, and it’s all surround the Green Bay Packers playing the Atlanta Falcons in this new stadium. But what he doesn’t realize, and I haven’t mentioned to him is this is a little sentimental to me.

A Trip Down Memory Lane

When we were in our friend zone, we took two road trips. The first trip was to visit my cousin in Fayetteville, AR and the next trip was for a wedding for his cousin that he was in. I had a friend of mine accompany us during this trip as well. Everything was going great UNTIL we went out the night before the wedding. To spare you all the details, just know I started walking up and down the streets in heels to cool off from the argument. We weren’t in the best neighborhood of a well known club. BUT to my defense, I was finishing my first trimester with Bailey and completely unaware. Five years ago, we started a venture to Atlanta as one of our first trips together and here we are returning. This time I’m not pregnant! And don’t plan on becoming pregnant either.

Kwele and I at his cousin’s wedding, a day after my raging walk off. I’m around 3 months pregnant at this point.

Anniversary Gift

So I’ve been trying my best to figure out what to get this man. In other words, I’ve been stalking Pinterest more. We aren’t exchanging gifts, but I’m extra. So I finally came across a post for the Five Senses gift. The gals over at The Dating Divas have a great set up with tags and a small scavenger hunt included. Get this, it’s $5! I mean who doesn’t want someone do the work for them. Well, me! That’s only because I had a certain look in mind.

For each of the senses, I made sure that they weren’t just something that would go with them. But something he could use. So to Amazon I went.

The Senses

Touch: I purchased a couples massage via Groupon. People don’t sleep on them, for vacation or locally. I’m also adding a cute little number from Amazon you can find it here: Lingerie and Sexy Little Number in his favorite color. Lingerie is mostly for me, since he could care less majority of the time, but it’s the perfect choice for touch or sight.

Hear: I purchased an iTunes gift card from our local drugstore. So he’s able to buy something to listen while he drives either to ATL or back. I’ve also created a nice playlist for us to listen to on the way there because I plan on driving a little to help out. It’s nothing but old songs and ratchetness. (I love that spell check is telling me that ratchetness isn’t a word.)

Sight: Of course, going to the Green Bay Packers versus Atlanta Falcons Game he needs flags to go on the car. So here they are: Green Bay Packers Car Flags

Taste: My husband is a country music fan. So why not add a little fun to this. “Tennessee Whiskey” gets played at least twice a week in this house. For those that have never heard the song it states, “You’re a smooth as Tennessee Whiskey, You’re as sweet as strawberry wine, You’re as warm as a glass a brandy, and Honey, I stay stoned on your love all the time” So I bought some Tennessee whiskey, Jack Daniels Honey, of course. A cheap strawberry wine, S Luccio – Strawberry Moscato, and the brandy was pretty much on me. Ya’ll this is cheap but good, E&J Peach, but I opened it, so I bought some Paul Masson, don’t judge me.

Smell: I was recently gifted an amazing oil burner and essential oils, Thanks KV. Well we have been fighting over this oil burner. And by we I mean my husband, child and I all want it. He believes it belongs to him because it’s Green Bay Packers, but I’m not having it. So I decided get him one with some oils: Oil Diffuser and Essential Oils.

I had to be a tad bit extra and add something else. Everything was put in a larger box. On the tabs inside the box I added map images of 4 places that meant something to us. I also added the conversation that started our marriage via Facebook. It all started with a DM from him saying thank you for coming to speak. But I took the plunge.

The Bottom Line

Excited about this trip and of course our Anniversary, is an understatement. Year Four is closed for the books. Plenty of highs and lows, but I would do it all over again if I had to. When days are bad, they are bad; and when they are good, they’re great! Marriage is work. I’ve told so many people that have gotten married after me the same thing. The wedding is a grand party, but the real work starts afterwards.

Happy Anniversary to the start of my headaches, the one who goes out after we have sat down and been comfortable for hours to get me a Coke or Mountain Dew and chocolate. The man that takes care of our daughter and thinks nothing of it, yet horrible at responding and answering text messages. The king that has my back and pushes me to go for whatever I want time after time, but tunes out 3 minutes after I talk about it. Thank you for working with me to make us work.

The Ultimate Truth

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