I'm back! It's been a year since you all last received a blog post from me. I just couldn't do it, 2019 was an interesting year. So let me fill you all in on why I took a break, why I'm back, and what to expect from now on.
Why Did I Leave?
So 2019 took a lot of us through it, 2020 hasn't been the best either. I wasn't mentally there to share my life via blog anymore. My personal life wasn't horrible, but it wasn't the best. I know there were many that were in worse places than I was. But I just didn't want to share, I didn't know how to share, and I knew I wouldn't be authentic. I'm an only child, and as I get older so do my parents. My dad has always been the one to give me a scare here and there, but my mom started not doing so well. We have figured out why. So for everyone asking or wanting to know, we found out she has Lupus. She is doing good and that's that on that.
But more about my leave when it comes to me. I've been stuck in a mood for a while and I knew why, but didn't know what I needed to do. I did not feel like I was doing what makes me happy. So I started taking time and doing some things that would help me find my happy place. I stumbled upon a post of someone I follow and they said some things I've heard before. But they also said something that made me think even more about what makes me happy. The blogger, of course said do that thing that you would do if even if you don't get paid to do it. If you know me you know I dabble in a lot. But then she took it a step further and said, "What's the thing that people come to you the most about." It was profound to me ya'll. But it was also scary. Because people come to me for a lot, but I also had to take out those things that people come to me about that dealt with my normal 9 to 5 work. Well I was at Meek's house and it hit me head on...more on that soon.
LIFE HAPPENS. I mean it's as simple as that. Not being in the mood to do certain things and it stopped being a part of my routine. Friendships evolved and new friendships came into play. People were entering my life that I knew were there to get me through situations and issues. Majority of the time they were getting me through things that they still don't know I was going through. I started doing more and more devotionals and spending time with God. Within that time frame I just knew things were different. I had blog posts written that I could have shared, I just decided against it. I wasn't into it when I wrote them. I try to be as authentic as possible without over stepping boundaries with my family and friends. Yet nothing I wrote had any substance.
But I'm Back
Here's the important part. I'm not giving up on this. With everything that's going on in the world I have this time to just really hit the pause button on life outside. I told myself 2020 would be the year for me to step out of my comfort zone. I planned trips, to go out alone more, just live life a little differently. COVID-19 has taught me that I was absolutely correct in my thinking. I am living my life differently, and I will live it differently from now on. Life is short and precious. Being in the house (being an introvert that I am) isn't always the best idea. I have to get myself prepared to face things and people in order to open myself up for new experiences and opportunities that I am claiming.
As you have noticed before you got here to the blog post, I had a website revamp. There are some offerings/services that you are seeing that are new to many of you when it comes to me. While having my aha moment I realized that people come to me for organization and decorating tips and tricks. My mom decorated for each season and still does, and so I picked up on it unintentionally. I love a good DIY, and some of them have been posted on here. I would help people make their homes happier in a heartbeat because that's what I love doing. So after a good conversation with my co-worker friends I decided to stop playing around. I enrolled in a certification course for both things mentions. I didn't want to just "wing it" with what comes natural but to have some background skills to enhance what I already know. I know that I'm driving everyone crazy around me but I can't help it! I'm in love with decorating. So be on the look out for some new room restyles (I've redone 3 rooms in the house since we've been on lockdown).
What's Coming in the Pipeline?
I think the first thing is obvious, I'm back to blogging. I don't think it will be every week like it was before, but I'm just going with the flow. So you will see an increase in my social media feeds. We know what that means right? Follow, like, and share lol! But seriously to keep up with what's new add the Rhea Aligned accounts on IG and FB. SN: Bailey has something up her sleeve that we will also be rolling out with in a month or two and I'm extremely proud of her.
Wait for it...wait for it... I'm adding Interior Styling as a service! No I'm not going back to school to become an interior designer, that is years of schooling that I am not up for. I will have a blog about the differences between an interior designer and an interior decorator. I will be offering services, and during this time E-Styling is available. As well as some professional organizing services once everything is back up and our new norm is set. But just know that Kwele is tired of me redoing rooms and spaces.
So take a look around the new website that my amazing coworker/friend, Jouy, designed. (Let me know if anyone needs her information.) I'm hoping that many of you are back from last year to read and keep up with me, and I'm praying for a lot of new readers! But whatever you do, ENJOY LIFE!